Things that affect my life...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Password like the mood

At my working environment, there're tons of large-scale systems and the corresponding username and passwords.

The policy is, we have to change our passwords every three month. Otherwise, the passwod will be expired and the user will be locked.

That's pretty funny, my first password is 'Abc123' (the default one), three months later, I changed it to 'Moremoney06'. The third one was 'Muchmoremoney07'. I set the above password cause that's just like my mood, I wanted to get a raise at that time.

Now, my password turns out to 'LifeSucks2007'.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

My boss gimme a "Disc"

It's great to have Tony back from Hong Kong. He brought me so many goodies especially a disc.

Tony said: "kmk (my boss) give you a disc". Oh, thanks, how sweet! I thought it's sort of a music CD of Beyonce or American Idol... whatever

Well, it's a install CD of a powerful software, which will be my next huge task...

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I'm lucky

Frankly speaking, I always think that I do not have any luck in either gambling or lucky draw. I'd rather work harder to earn my living instead of buying any kind of lottery.

However, "Life is like a box of chocolate, you will never know what you're gonna get". Last month, at the annual party of my department, I got a Canon printer! Most of my colleagues got nothing, they were green with envy:)

It's a great start of year 2007, my life rocks!

My Teammates

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Okey, I'll tell you my story. Believe it or not, I was not always as awesome as u think.

It was 7 P.M, I was just out of work, and I was having dinner with my single colleagues at a romantic restaurant. The waitress sent roses to every girl one table after another. Suddenly, she stopped in front of me and looked at me strangely, she was determining whether or not give roses to a bunch of bachelors. Finally, after 10 seconds, she made up a tough decision: she gave me a rose and said:"Take your girl friend here next time."

That's my valentine's day, True story. Happy valentine's day anyway.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Life in the crowded Guangzhou

Life in Guangzhou is tough. Sometimes the only thing I can do is get used to it.

Long lines in the bank
Strangely enough, I work for a bank, but I don't like bank at all.

My friend Ouyang warned me "Never, ever go to any bank in Tianhe district".

True story. Last time I went ICBC near my office building during lunch break, and got a service ticket. It stated that there are 160 people waiting before me! One hour later, when I came back, there are still 50 people before me. So I got back to work first, one hour later, when I came back to the bank again, my number just passed, I have to get back to the bank some other time.

Try online bank? Oh please, the ICBC online service has soooo many security problems! Do u want to take our own money on the line?

Well, the ICBC is good, their IPO is unbelievable, so what? I just want to deposit money! Could the bank improve the basic service quality? ICBC sucks, HSBC sucks less.

Wait for a meal
Believe it or not, even have a meal in Guangzhou need to wait for so long. Just like in a bank, u have to wait for the seat unless u made a reservation.

Hard to buy a house in Guangzhou
Nowadays, the average income of Guangzhou people is around 2K -3K RMB/month, while the average house price in downtown Guangzhou is about 8K RMB/sq.meter . The price is still rising.
Usually people spend more than 60% of their monthly salary to pay back the housing loan, that's so-called "Housing slave". Can I buy a house? I can't even buy my lunch! Maybe I will build one :)

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Friday, December 29, 2006

Earthquake in Taiwan affect my life

Where am I? Fortunately, I'm in Foshan now, not Taiwan. The earth did not influence me physically, but it do affect my life seriously these days.

The earthquake caused 6 major fiber cable between China and America broken. Since most of my favorites are american sites, I can't even start my daily routine now. I can't access to review my favor pages; I can't access flickr to update my latest photos; Most importantly, I can't access bloglines to check all my interested blogs. I have to use proxy to access those sites, very inconvenient...

Hopefully the cable can be repaired soon. Optimistic opinion is, it will be OK within 2 or three weeks. Anyway, it's a great opportunity for our internal websites :)


Monday, December 25, 2006

Sanya vacation

Beautiful beach

This is a typical Hainan fruit, coconut. I didn't drink any boiled water during the vacation, cause I drink the coconut milk instead. Coconut is very common and extremely cheap in Sanya, vendors were selling fresh coconut everywhere, 2 RMB for a whole coconut!

The world's largest kwan-yin statue, even taller than the statue of liberty!

Haha, my toes with sands on them.

This is my personal favorite. I am so relaxed, just lie down there hours and do nothing. This is so-called "vacation". It's not travel, but vacation. When I travel, I will create a very intensive schedule and put as much places into the schedule as possible. Sanya is not the place for this kind of traveler. It offers quiet beach so time can stop there.
